It is that time of year again and all of us are scrambling around trying to figure out presents for our loved ones. In this article I highlight items I purchased as Christmas presents for granddaughters. I hope it helps you in your search for the just right present!
My granddaughters are 12 and 9 years old. They both have special interests such as painting, drawing, reading, travel softball, karate, and basketball. Here are several items I believe will make them happy.
My 12-year-old is very artistic and loves painting and drawing. The first item I got was the Upgraded 48 Colors Watercolor Paint Set. The forty-eight non-toxic paint pods come in a portable carrying case with a clear cover that is detachable so the artist can add even more colors to the palette by mixing the paints. It also comes with three wooden handle soft nylon hairbrushes. I am sure she is going to enjoy this for many hours.
Next on her list is “How to Draw Cool Stuff” a book by Catherine V. Holmes – available in either hardback or paperback (free if downloaded to a Kindle!) It is a step-by-step drawing guide that illustrates popular celebrations such as Christmas, birthdays, Halloween, and April Fool’s Day – over 100 days, holidays, season, and events. This should be a great guide for her since she already has a flair for drawing. It covers techniques and illustrations as it guides her through the creative thought process.
One of my favorite pass times is to go and watch both girls play softball. I played baseball for many years, umpired, and coached for 17 years. Even though my role now is to be a fan, I try to support all the kids with encouragement and congratulations when they do well. One thing I noticed is the type of bats the kids use today are vastly different from the old wooden bats of my era. Most of the kids on her team are using a composite bat and the ball explodes when they make contact. To that end, I decided to get her a new bat for Christmas. While they are expensive, they will last for years and can be passed down to her younger sister when she outgrows it. The “HOT” bat these days is Easton GHOST – 10 Fastpitch Softball Bat. I suspect she will be hitting line drives all over the field with this one!
The next Christmas presents for granddaughters is for my nine-year-old granddaughter who is a completely different child from her older sister. She is the true contrarian of the two and has boundless amounts of energy. I came across this stocking stuffer that will bring hours of entertainment to her. It is a fidget! I particularly liked this one because it has spinning wings. It is sure to bring about “That’s cool” after she opens the present.
She is also a voracious reader and loves to read adventures. I constantly see her lugging around a book that has over 500 pages to the softball fields when her older sister is playing. I talked to several people about which books kids are reading today and this set was recommended – Percy Jackson and the Olympians 5 Book Boxed Set. It is called the next Harry Potter! I hope she enjoys the stories and lets her imagination run wild!
I hope you have enjoyed following my Christmas presents for granddaughters article. Perhaps you will find these gifts are good for your granddaughters too!
My next blog article will be on Christmas presents for grandsons.